Sunday, August 5, 2012

Static versus Dynamic Technolgies

When I reflect on my position within the "static-dynamic continuum," I find that I currently relate more to the static and middle position.  I find that these are the technologies I currently utilize because they are the tools and concepts that I'm familiar with already.  Many of the dynamic tools, I have never been exposed to or even heard of.  It would require personal research and professional development opportunities in order for me to feel comfortable with using these technologies with my students.  I would never want to be in the position where both my students and I am confused on how to effectively use tool in order to gain knowledge.  I am very interested in utilizing mindtools, especially some of the ones mentioned by Jonassen, et. al (1998) and also problem-based learning.

Jonassen, D., Carr, C., & Yueh, H. (1998). Computers as mindtools for engaging learners in critical thinking. TechTrends, 43(2), 24-32.
McGreal R. & Elliott, M. (2008). Technologies of online learning (E-learning). In Anderson, T. (Ed.), The theory and practice of online learning (2nd ed.) (p. 440-472). Edmonton, AB: Athabasca University Press.
Moller, L. (2008). Static and dynamic technological tools. [Unpublished Paper].

Blogs on Static vs. Dynamic Technologies I Found Most Interesting:


  1. Kanelia,
    I also find myself using static technologies to engage my students and in the middle of the dynamic technologies' continuum because of the age and cognitive level of my students(Kindergarten). In addition, don't forget that most of those dynamic technologies require the purchasing of the software or a membership. I do not know about you, but I tend to use the learning tools that have already been purchased for teachers by my school district. Some of those technological tools can be quite expensive, so I trust my school district for purchasing the appropriate tools for each grade level. I must admit that I enjoy learning about trendy applications, so I don't feel like an old-fashioned teacher. Your graphic organizer is neat and well organized. I have found new applications that I would like to learn more about them like "Concept Map." Since you labeled it dynamic (collaboration), I guess that members are allowed to construct concept maps as teams. I have found several organizers that have placed discussion forums under static methodologies. I thought that the meaning of static refers to something that doesn't move and doesn't change. I consider discussion boards to be interactive since members respond to threads and posts using their own views. A post/thread calls for responses and starts as one and can end it up with one hundred responses. I might be wrong. Very resourceful and great graphic organizer!


  2. I believed at looked at discussion boards in the light of it being a part of the middle continuum and better placed in the static category for communication as a form to share one's viewpoint.

  3. Dear Kanelia,
    Good work! Are there any of these tools you would classify to be in the middle of static and dynamic continuum? I would love to learn more about microworlds. Can you provide a link to it?

    1. I agree with Moller (2008) that wikis, blogs, discussion boards, chats seem to fall in the middle of the continuum, in that they allow an exhange of ideas and viewpoints and more interaction. However, I placed some of them in the static category because I did not choose a middle ground for my concept map and felt that they didn't truly represent dynamic tools.

      Here is a link to the article I read on Mindtools that include microworlds-"Computers as Mindtools for Engaging Learners in Critical Thinking" (

    2. Thanks for sharing this resource.

  4. Kanelia

    You mention the cost of dynamic tools. Why do you think it is easier to find more free resources when it comes to static tools then dynamic?

    1. It's probably because they are less expensive to manufacture. It's little to no cost to create a website through Yahoo and Google on which a person can post lecture notes, presentation files, podcasts, etc. Dynamic tools would require software investments or licenses that many districts may not be in the position to purchase.
