My network has
taken me from the realm of independent learner to collaborator and
contributor. It's much less demanding
and tedious when you can pull from a pool of knowledge versus simply relying on
what you, alone, know and understand.
This in turn, deepens my understanding because I have such a wealth of
knowledge at my access.
At home, I'm constantly
connected by either my smartphone or IPad.
I also have my Kindle app downloaded to both and use it tremendously
because I find that I read faster using my Kindle or eReader app than I do a
physical text. Being that I'm a visual
learner, colorful graphic organizers help me as well, as do videos.
Now, when I have
questions, I ask questions. If I'm at
work, I'll first ask my team leader and team members. I'll also go to my administration if I have a
question specifically for them. I also
rely on my organizational ties, such as the National Council for Teachers if
English (NCTE), Aiken Council of the International Reading Association (ACIRA),
Simple K12, Education Technology News, TES, Share My Lesson, and my new
favorite, Teachers Pay Teachers. I then
take what I've learned and apply it in my classroom. When I am at home and I come across a subject
I'm interested in, first I'll either use Google or Bing to locate information. If there is Wikipedia entry, I'll read that
first and use the hyperlinks within the entry to further my understanding. By the time I'm done, I've usually read four-five
different resources on the topic.
Afterwards, I usually end of sharing what I've learned with my family
and friends.
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